Cedar Point Reeds is a kinetic sculpture designed to visualize the wind and wind energy production at the Cedar Point Wind Farm, a 252 megawatt wind farm located 80 miles east of Denver. The mechanical Reeds that constitute the artwork move in response to real-time wind speed and bearing data from the wind farm. The illumination of the Reeds symbolizes power generation.
As individuals engage with the sculpture, it responds to their presence. The Reeds gather and illuminate in front of observers, symbolizing how each person contributes to the larger narrative of achieving a sustainable, clean energy future.
The functionality of Cedar Point Reeds is based on 400 Reeds, a custom medium developed by BREAKFAST specifically for this sculpture at Block 162 in Denver. These Reeds are powered by silent stepper motors, ensuring quiet and smooth movement. The sculpture regularly updates its data by downloading the latest wind information from the internet every minute, ensuring that it accurately reflects current wind conditions.
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